Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Filtering by Category: Comics


It feels good to get work done again.  Cranked out outlines for a couple of projects today.  The fifth Vampi, and something else that's not been announced yet.  It's actually a pretty huge challenge for me not to work... I have so much rattling around my head that if I don't get some of it out and on paper daily it can feel like I'm going to burst. On the recommendation of Gary Dauberman and Brian Reed, I tried out Scrievner for the new project.   It's pretty good, although I'm not wild about th idea that you can't just use it for everything, as you still need to use a traditional word processor for formatting.  I need to play with it some more.  Far and away the best feature, though, is that I can stretch the program between my two screens, letting me do some slightly more complicated split screening then you can do with any other program I've found.   I love the idea of being organized, but rarely take the effort needed with my writing to do it... in theory Scrievner'll do a lot of the organizing for me.  We'll see I guess.

As I mentioned yesterday, I submitted a comic to Zuda Comics the other day, but I'd be flabbergasted if it was selected.  It's a strange little piece of expressionistic nightmare photo collage that's probably a bit text heavier than most people think of when they think comics, but, y'know, I'm a writer, so, there you go.  Once it gets rejected, I'll post it here, and you guys can let me know if it's worth continuing it.

My back... hmm.  It's better, in the sense that it's not as bad as it was, but, after taking what was my usual daily walk today, I was left shakey and nauseous.  But, considering that and the 6 or so hours I spent at my desk, I'm actually not in THAT much pain.  Of course, it could just be the painkillers blocking it out.

And finally, Gary, Tony, and I have launched a new website.  It's still in the process of being built, but, y'know, set your bookmarks to

And so it begins

Welcome to the New Year.  My back is still pretty badly injured, although I did manage to get out of bed, showered, and dressed on my own.  Hooray for the little victories. I've got a bunch of stuff on the horizon this year, and I think it's going to be another banner year for me.  Between the Seven Seas Manga, the Dark Horse stuff, and the OGN with Guillory, I've got three projects I'm extremely proud of already on the horizon.  Over the break, it looks like I may have found artists for a few more projects I was really looking forward to as well, so, all engines are a go.

That's about all I can handle blogging right now (especially considering I've got another Princess Resurrection adaptation that needs to be finished ASAP) so, y'know, I'll be back later.

Comics Should Be Good Likes Punks

Comics Should Be Good! » What I bought - 28 December 2007

Fialkov is obviously having a blast writing almost stream-of-consciousness stuff, and Chamberlain uses random pictures smashed together to give it a dream-like feel (check out the cover for an example). It’s a wild book, and I encourage you to hunt it down. Get to it!

Hooray for Jesus and CBR!

Flu-filling Day

I'm sick.  And consequently will wear my robe and slippers while doing relaxing things. Here's a list with comments. - Been playing with the Beta of NBC's streaming service.  The one that doesn't generate any revenue for the studios.  Cause those commercials they show are clearly Public Service announcements.  Like the one for razors.  Anyways, that aside, the service is pretty great, especially compared to how shitty the actual streaming things are.  The commercials are remarkably unobtrusive... there's only one 15 or 30 second spot per commercial break, and they actually have it integrated, so, unlike on the commercial comes and goes without interupting the show.  Been catching up on everything I haven't seen what with the removal of cable from the house. - It's launching this week, and I guess each of the writers are writing little pieces explaining why you should vote for us.  On a side note, vote for me.

Watch my Netflix - I've had a bunch of Orson Welles Netflix movies sitting on my shelf for three months.  I just never get around to watching them.  I desperately wanted to do a book about Welles, but, well, everyone thinks I'm insane when I explain what I want to do.

Mario 64 - I've decided that before I buy Mario Galaxies, I'll go through Mario 64 from start to finish.  I'm planning on getting frustrated sometime around the 30th or so star, and going to buy Galaxies.   At that point, I will play it until it gets slightly harder than I can easily handle, at which point it'll end up sitting on the shelf until the next Mario comes out.  And so it is.

Finish Sartre's The Flies and start The Orestia -  Which are both the same thing, only, y'know, one's by Aeschylus and the other's by Sartre.  They're research for the book with Guillory, and lots of fun.

Cancel my Vonage - I'm just plain sick of it.  The quality's gotten progressively worse and worse, and despite the replacement modem they sent me last month, it's just... well... shitty.   I'd rather just put the 30 bucks towards my cell service and not have to worry about it.

And that's what my day will look like.

THE LIST: Outlaw Kid, Punks, Supermarket, and


Hey gang,
As the year draws to a close, I’ve got a couple of books squeaking in before the roles are closed on the old year, and a few quick updates.

First, this week sees my very first (of what will hopefully be many) Marvel work in the form of an Outlaw Kid story in Marvel Comics Presents #4. The art is by the amazing Chris Moeller and looks LIKE THIS:

Click the image for an interview with me about the book.

Secondly, the Punks Christacular we’re hoping/praying/oodling should be in stores either next week, or the week following. I’ll send out another update when we know for sure. It’s been super-sized up to 56 pages (at no additional cost to you!) and contains a ton of bonus material, including an interview with the ever-charming kitsch king Charles Phoenix, a few words from Captain Marvel/The Circle/Ms. Marvel writer Brian Reed, a review of a Bob Mould ‘event’ by blogging sensation Ian Brill, plus not one but TWO bonus comics, including the all but impossible to get Free Comic Book Day short, and one that has cool stuff like THIS in it...

As always, more info on that at

Also of note, the old blog’s gone away, and a new blog has replaced it. The new site is up at

I’ve been updating it much more regularly, and hopefully will continue to.

This weekend Tony Fleecs and I will be appearing at Supermarket L.A. at Meltdown Comics in Hollywood. Hopefully, I will have the aforementioned Punks Christacular in hand, as well as some surprises. More info on that here:
And finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t plug my beautiful wife’s newly redesigned (by me) website over at She’s got an amazing collection of photos, and I’ve even managed to convince her to blog a bit about her collection, Ann’s movies, and things of that sort. There’ll probably eventually be pictures of the wedding over there, too, so, go check it out.

Happy Holidays and all that,



Radio has streaming playlists of music hand selected by David Byrne to help showcase a different artist, genre, or, well, whatever he may desire every month.  This month's list is all Morricone.  Which is startalingly similar to my own favorite playlist, which I probably write about 90% of my scripts to.  Mine has a bunch of Nino Rota, Luis Bacalov, and a few other odds and ends thrown in for good measure.   For interest, after the jump, is a complete listing of that playlist. Suspicion    Ennio Morricone    Curb Your Enthusiasm (Music from the TV Series) Slow On the Uptake    Luis Bacalov    Curb Your Enthusiasm (Music from the TV Series) Piume Di Cristallo (Crystal Plumage)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Non Rimane Piu' Nessuno (There's No One Left)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy La Citta' Si Risveglia (The City Wakes Up)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy L'uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo (The Bird With the Crystal Plumage)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Silenzio Nel Caos (Silence In the Chaos)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Violenza Inattesa (Unexpected Violence)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Ninna Nanna In Blu (Lullaby In Blue)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy 1970    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Paranoi Prima (First Paranoia)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Dissociazione (Dissociation)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Metafora Finale (Last Metaphor)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Placcaggio (The Spot)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy 4 Mosche Di Velluto Grigio (Four Flies On Grey Velvet)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy 4 Mosche Di Velluto Grigio - Suite    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Come un Madrigale (Like a Madrigal)    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy Dario Argento Speaks    Ennio Morricone    An Ennio Morricone - Dario Argento Trilogy La resa dei conti    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Osservatori osservati    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Il vizio di uccidere    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Il colpo    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Addio colonnello    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Per qualche dollaro in più - Titoli    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Poker d'assi    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] Carillon    Ennio Morricone    For a Few Dollars More (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) [International Version] The Ballad of Sacco and Vanzetti    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Violent City (Main Titles)    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Extreme Moment    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Sicilian Clan (Main Titles)    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Deborah's Theme    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Al Copone    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Untouchables (End Titles)    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Act of Faith    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Terrorists!    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Iron Mayor    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection A Net of Protections    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The State'S Repression    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Drought    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Theme of Memories    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Tacit Complicity    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Song of Sicily    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Mafia    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Secret Reunion    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Goodbye Palermo    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Corleone    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Conspiration    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Goodbye to Palermo    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Penitent    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Message    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Far Memories of Sicily    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Final Event    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Penitent (Alternate Version)    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Degradation    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Insinnation    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection To Come Back to Palermo    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Machine Gun McCain    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Machine Gun McCain 2    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Machine Gun Mccain (Alternate Version)    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Ballad of Hank McCain    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Strangled Lives    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Colonial City    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection Hidden Symptoms    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Other Octopus    Ennio Morricone    The Gangster Collection The Godfather Waltz    Nino Rota    The Godfather I Have But One Heart (O Marenariello)    Nino Rota    The Godfather The Pickup    Nino Rota    The Godfather Connie's Wedding    Nino Rota    The Godfather The Halls of Fear    Nino Rota    The Godfather Sicilian Pastorale    Nino Rota    The Godfather The Godfather (Love Theme)    Nino Rota    The Godfather The Godfather Waltz    Nino Rota    The Godfather Appollonia    Nino Rota    The Godfather The New Godfather    Nino Rota    The Godfather The Baptism    Nino Rota    The Godfather The Godfather Finale    Nino Rota    The Godfather Il Buono, Il Cattivo, Il Brutto (The Good, The Bad And The Ugly)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Tramonto (The Sundown)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Sentenza    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Fuga a Cavallo (Escape to Horse)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Ponte di Corde (The Bridge of Ropes)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Forte (The Strong)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Inseguimento (Pursuit)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Deserto (The Desert)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack La Carrozza dei Fantasmi (The Carriage of the Spirits)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack La Missione San Antonio (The Mission San Antonio)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Padre Ramirez (Father Ramirez)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Marcetta (Marcia)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack La Storia de un Soldato (The Story of a Soldier)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Treno Militare (The Military Train)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Fine di una Spia (Death of a Spy)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Bandito Monco (The Bandit Monco)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Due Contro Cinque (Two Against Five)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Marcetta Senza Speranza (Marcia Without Hope)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Morte di un Soldato (Death of a Soldier)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack L'estasi Dell'oro (The Ecstasy of Gold)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Il Triello (The Trio)    Good Bad Ugly    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack Nuovo Cinema Paradiso    Ennio Morricone    I Solisti Italiani On Cinema Il Tramonto (Album Version)    Various Artists    Kill Bill Vol. 2 (Original Soundtrack) The Grand Duel: (Parte Prima)    Luis E. Bacalov    Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Queen Of The Crime Council    Dialogue    Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Titoli Di Testa (Canzonetta - Notturno II° - Cadillac)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita (Arrivederci Roma - Caracalla's la Bersagliera)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita (In Via Veneto)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita Patricia (Canzonetta - Entrata dei Gladiatori - Parlami di Me (Valzer))    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita Lola (Yes Sir, That's My Baby) (Parlami di Me  (Valzer) - Stormy Weather)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita Via Veneto e I Nobili    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita Blues (La Dolce Vita dei Nobili)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita Notturno O Mattutino    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita (La Bella Malinconica)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita Nella Villa Di Fregene (Can Can - Jingle Bells - Blues - La Dolce Vita - Why Wait)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita (finale)    Nino Rota    La Dolce Vita Tema di primo    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) I Sommersi e i salvati    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Il Greco    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Il latino di primo    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Verso casa    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) I sommersi e i salvati - Variazione 1    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Tema di primo - Variazione 1    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Noch svetla    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Tema di primo - Variazione 2    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) I sommersi e i salvati - Variazione 2    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Moskva majskaja    Dmitrj e Danilo Pokrass, Luis Bacalov & V. Lebedov-Kumach    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Sinij platocek    Egy Petersburgskij, Luis Bacalov & Y. Galizkij - M. Marsinov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Facci piangere    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) We Have Won    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Bivaccando a Cracovia    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Tema di primo - Variazione 3    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Nel bosco    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Sinij platocek II    Egy Petersburgskij, Luis Bacalov & Y. Galizkij - M. Marsinov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) We Have Won II    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Danza Ungherese No. 5 in F Sharp Minor: Sangue Viennese    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Tema di primo    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Titoli di coda - Prima parte    Luis Bacalov    La Tregua (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) A Gringo Like Me    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Guns Don't Argue    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Indians    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Lonesome Billy    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Overture (For a Few Dollars More)    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Almost Dead    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Square Dance    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Chase    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Result    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Without Pity    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns For a Fistful of Dollars    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns A Gun for Ringo    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Waiting    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Massacre    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Angel Face    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Sixty Seconds To What?    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Aces High    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Watchers Are Being Watched    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Vice of Killing    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Musical Pocket Watch    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Showdown    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Goodbye, Colonel    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns For a Few Dollars More    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Ringo Rides Again    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns March of the MacGregors    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Santa Fè Express    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns From Man to Man    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Once Upon a Time in the West    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Farewell to Cheyenne    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Man with a Harmonica    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns Jill's America    Ennio Morricone    The Legendary Italian Westerns The Good, The Bad, The Ugly    Ramones    Loco Live The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzet    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Chi Mai    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Cinama Paradiso    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Death Rides A Horse    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Deborah Theme    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces A Fist Full Of Dollers    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces A Fistfull Of Dollers    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces For A Few Dollers More    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Frantic    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Gabriels Oboe    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces The Good The Bad The Ugly    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces The Man With The Harmonica    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Metello    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces The Missing    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Once Apon A Time In The West    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Once Upon A Time In America    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Paying Of Scores    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces The Scillian Clan    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Secrets Of The Sahara    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces The Untouchables    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces The Vice Of Killing    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces 1900s Theme    Ennio Morricone    Movie Masterpieces Nozze in Campagne. "E arrivato Zampano"    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada I Tre Suonatori e il "Matto" Sul FiloIl Circo    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Il Circo    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada La Rabbia di Zampanò    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Zampanò Uccide il "Matto"    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada L' Ultimo Spettacolo Sulla Neve "Addio Gelsomnia"    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Solitudine e Pianto di Zampanò    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Concerto for Harp in G major: 1. Allegro moderato    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Concerto for Harp in G major: 2. Andante    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Concerto for Harp in G major: 3. Allegro    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Concerto for Trombone in C major: 1. Allegro giusto    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Concerto for Trombone in C major: 2. Lento, ben ritmato    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Concerto for Trombone in C major: 3. Allegro moderato    Yannick Nézet-Séguin with Alain Trudel & Jennifer Swartz    Nino Rota: La Strada Le/passerella Di Otto E Mezzo(suite) Interviste - Federico F    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra I Gemelli Allo Specchio    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Risatine Maliziose    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Valzerino N. 72    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Orchestra In Attesa    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Galopp    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Risatine Maliziose    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Prova D'orchestra (suite)    Nino Rota    Prova D'orchestra Paranoia Prima    Ennio Morricone    Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) Symphony No. 1 in G major: I. Allegro con moto - Norrkoping     Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 1 in G major: II. Andante - Norrkoping Symphony    Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 1 in G major: III. Allegro vivace - Norrkoping     Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 1 in G major: IV. Largo maestoso - Poco piu and    Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 2 in F major "Tarantina - Anni di pellegrinaggi    Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 2 in F major "Tarantina - Anni di pellegrinaggi    Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 2 in F major "Tarantina - Anni di pellegrinaggi    Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Symphony No. 2 in F major "Tarantina - Anni di pellegrinaggi    Nino Rota    ROTA: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 Una pistola per ringo (Titoli)    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Western Suspense grottesca    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Messico eroico    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western L'attesa    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western La strage    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Angel Face    Ennio Morricone, Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra & Maurizio Graf    Spaghetti Western La vita a volte e' molto dura, vero provvidenza? (Titoli)    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Marcia dei Mc Gregor    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Santa Fè Express    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western A Gringo Like Me    Ennio Morricone, Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra & Peter Tevis    Spaghetti Western Lonesome Billy    Ennio Morricone, Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra & Peter Tevis    Spaghetti Western Gli Indiani    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western La ragazza e lo sceriffo    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Western Le pistole non discutono (Titoli)    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western 7 donne per i Mc Gregor (Titoli)    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Western Da uomo a uomo    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra & Raoul    Spaghetti Western Mistico e severo    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Notturno Per Chitarra    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Rabbia e Tristezza    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Ci Risiamo Vero Provvidenza? (Titoli)    Ennio Morricone & Bruno Nicolai    Spaghetti Western Bocca a Bocca    Ennio Morricone & Bruno Nicolai    Spaghetti Western Galoppata    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Il ritorno di ringo (Titoli)    Ennio Morricone, Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra & Maurizio Graf    Spaghetti Western Il travestimento    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Dai fuentes    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Il funerale    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Il matrimonio e la vendetta    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western La pace torna a mimbres    Ennio Morricone & His Orchestra    Spaghetti Western Shango: "Jeff Bloom"    Gianfranco Di Stefano    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Shango: "Fiesta fiesta!"    Gianfranco Di Stefano    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Shango: "Pistole che scottano"    Gianfranco Di Stefano    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Quanto Costa Morire: "Quanto costa morire"    Francesco De Masi    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Quanto Costa Morire: "Una colt bruciata"    Francesco De Masi    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Quanto Costa Morire: "C'e sempre una vita"    Francesco De Masi    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Amore Piombo E Furore: "Tema di Clayton"    Pino Donaggio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Amore Piombo E Furore: "Tema d'amore"    Pino Donaggio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 And Now Recommend Your Soul to God: "Just a Coward"    Mary Usuah    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 And Now Recommend Your Soul to God: "Just a Coward" (Instrumental)    Franco Bixio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Wanted Johnny Texas: "Main Titles"    Alessandro Nadin, Aristicle Bascerano & Marcello Gigante    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Wanted Johnny Texas: "M 22"    Alessandro Nadin, Aristicle Bascerano & Marcello Gigante    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Wanted Johnny Texas: "Finale"    Alessandro Nadin, Aristide Bascerano & Marcello Gigante    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Los Desperados: "Tema per una vendetta"    Gianni Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Los Desperados: "Olte il confine"    Gianni Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Los Desperados: "Tema Per Un Amore"    Gianni Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Los Desperados: "Cento cavalleggeri"    Gianni Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Kid Il Monello Del West: "Black Jack"    Enrico Simonetti    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Deserto Di Fuoco: Main Title    Edda Dell'Orso    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Deserto Di Fuoco: "Ombre sulla sabbia"    Franco Bixio & Roberto Pregadio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Deserto Di Fuoco: Finale    Franco Bixio & Roberto Pregadio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Carambola: Main Titles    Fabio Frizzi, Franco Bixio & Vince Tempera    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Carambola: "Mexican Cantina"    Fabio Frizzi, Franco Bixio & Vince Tempera    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Carambola: Finale    Fabio Frizzi, Franco Bixio & Vince Tempera    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Carambola Filotto Tutti In Buca: Tema Principale    Fabio Frizzi, Franco Bixio & Vince Tempera    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Carambola Filotto Tutti In Buca: "Filotto tutti"    Fabio Frizzi, Franco Bixio & Vince Tempera    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Ben and Charlie: "Let It Rain, Let It Pour"    Giani Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Ben and Charlie: "Un passaggio per Red Rock"    Giani Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Ben and Charlie: "Sensazioni"    Giani Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Ben and Charlie: "Ridendo e scherzando"    Giani Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Ben and Charlie: "Addio Sarah"    Giani Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Ben and Charlie: "Controluce"    Giani Ferrio    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Duck you Sucker: "Giu' la Testa"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Uno Straniero A Paso Bravo: Main Titles - Single Version    Wolmer Betrami-Fisarmonica    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Uno Straniero A Paso Bravo: Main Titles - Film Version    Angleo Francesco Lavagnino    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Uno Straniero A Paso Bravo: Main Titles - Vocal Version    Vittorio Bezzi    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Pray to God and Dig Your Grave: Main Titles    Alessandro Nadin, Aristicle Bascerano & Marcello Gigante    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Pray to God and Dig Your Grave: "M 226 Lll"    Alessandro Nadin, Aristicle Bascerano & Marcello Gigante    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Pray to God and Dig Your Grave: "M 9 V"    Alessandro Nadin, Aristicle Bascerano & Marcello Gigante    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 La Notte del Serpenti: Main Titles Xlll    Riz Ortolani    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 La Notte del Serpenti: "Canzone Vll"    Katina Ranieri    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 La Notte del Serpenti: "M2 L"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 La Notte del Serpenti: "M 38 Xl"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 La Notte del Serpenti: "M 31 L"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 La Notte del Serpenti: "M 25/XVll and M 42 Ll"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Requiem Per un Gringo: "Sandstorm"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Requiem Per un Gringo: "Twilight"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Requiem Per un Gringo: "The Moon and You"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Requiem Per un Gringo: "Pistols Galore"    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Vado Vedo e Sparo    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Galoppa Susanna    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Disco Western Lll    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 4 Lll and M 6 L    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 21 L and M 65 Lll    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Finale    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Suite (M 6 LV M 19 V M 13 LV M 5 Lll M 33 Ll M 34)    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 6 M 7 and M 8    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 A King for a Day    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 18 V    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 5 M 9 M 15 and M 33 Lll    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 9 and M 15 V    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 M 34    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Fantasia Western    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Main Titles    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Suite    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Slow Violence    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 L'estasi del Miracolo    Ennio Morricone    Spaghetti Westerns, Vol. 1 Once Upon A Time In The West    Man With The Harmonica    Way Out West Morricone    Geneva    Weather Underground Two Mules For Sister Sara    Main Theme    The Wild West - The Essential Westerrn Film Music Collection (Disc 2) A Fistful Of Dollars - main theme    The City of Prague Philharmonic, Paul Bateman cond.    The Wild West-The Essential Westerrn Film Music Collection (Disc 1) Once Upon A Time In The West - main theme    The City of Prague Philharmonic, Paul Bateman cond.    The Wild West-The Essential Westerrn Film Music Collection (Disc 1)

And these are the days in our lives...

I've been closing out my gmail account for the past few days now.  I've had it since their first open beta however many years ago.  I love the service, but, have had a few issues with it as of late, including mail not getting through, massive amounts of incoming spam, and general unreliability.  I'm also really not a fan of the new interface (even knowing you can switch to the 'classic view' I have a bad feeling about how long that'll stick around...).  Add to that I've had a .Mac account for a while now that aside from being paid for, is also about a thousand times more reliable... Anyways... what's been interesting is spending the time going through my life of the past four or so years, in e-mail.  Watching the evolution of my career, friendships, loves, and all the rest.   There's the obvious 'first e-mail with' Wheaton, Dauberman, Fleecs, James Patrick, J-Rod, and all of the guys who've become an essential part of my life, creatively, socially, and spiritually.  There's the first awkward e-mailing between Christina and I, where I try desperately to impress someone who was clearly the coolest chick I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

There's the first few attempts to get work for hire, followed by the slightly more successful attempts, followed by the "Hey, I'm actually hired," style attempts.  Getting to watch the whole Speakeasy debacle from the first "This is a good thing" through the "Oh right, these guys are obviously clueless and shouldn't be in the business..." winding up at the "Hooray for Random House!"

Through many leaps, stumbles, wins, losses, and all shades of gray in between, it's been a helluva a few years.  Thanks to all of you for being along for the ride.

News and Things

Ah... November slips away,  Just wrapped up the last work for hire for the year (it's for Marvel, and I'm really looking forward to everybody seeing it), and put the finishing touches on a few other projects includind the Manga for Seven Seas Entertainment, the Wildstorm comic, and the 4th Volume of Princess Resurrection.  My plan is to spend December doing 'personal development' on a couple of creator owned projects I'd like to get going for early next year.   I'm finally getting the hang of having a balance of work that pays the bills and makes me happy. Speaking of which... the Punks Christacular is on it's way to stores, with an estimated ship date of the 2nd week of December.  I just sent out preview PDF's to critics and friends and if you'd like one, just drop me an e-mail.

In other things I done did... I redid Christina's Ann Dvorak site ( with Wordpress and some Gallery plugins.  I think it turned out pretty good, and is worth checking out.  I'd bet there'll be some wedding pictures added on there relatively soon... which I'll link to.

Married life is everything it's cracked up to be, especially when married to the coolest chick in town.

There's a few other projects (including the aforementioned Marvel, Seven Seas,  and Wildstorm books) that'll be announced soon, one of which is a collaboration with screenwriting superstar Mark Wheaton for one of my favorite publishers.  Next years going to be very kickass.

Oh, also on Punks... once the pesky WGA strike is over, there's going to be some super cool news... something that Kody and I have been chomping at the bit to get going on... but the strike came in before the contracts could close, and while the strike doesn't strictly get in the way of the project... we decided we'd rather be supportive of the strikers (at least two of which are my best friends) than start work.

So there ya go.  Keep on smilin'.

Go Buy Brian Reed’s Books

On Sale This Week is Brian Reed's very first Creator Owned book, called The Circle, from Image. I go to check out some of the early pitch materials, and they were outstanding. There's nothing more irritating then a guy who comes into your business and does what you do a thousand times better right off the bat. That guy's name is Brian Reed.

He's also a sock puppet of satan.



Did a quick site redo, cause it's about time.  I think it's pretty cool, nice and simple, and has one of my favorite panels from the Punks Christmas Special at the top.  It's been a strange couple of weeks.  Had a few projects that were going along swimmingly get all but halted due to the writer's strike, but, it's a good cause, so that's cool. Married life is tops, and we've been settling into it swimmingly.  Chrissy has been devouring Gilmore Girls in preperation for the final season's release today, so, it's been great getting to watch it all again (and really quickly).  It's just really one of the most heartfelt, beautifully written shows in a long, long time.  Combine that with making my way through the Complete Angel box set, and I've been knee deep in great TV.  Great TV that makes me want to make TV.

Punks Christacular will be in stores in a few weeks, and it's easily the best thing to ever have my name on/in/near it.  It's a really exceptional book, and it's mostly owed to Kody.  I believe my Marvel Comics Presents story is due out any week now, as well, and it's super awesometastic.

And that's pretty much that.