Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Filtering by Category: Comics

Book Review - Color of Rage

Color of Rage Color of Rage by Kazuo Koike

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
As a big fan of Lone Wolf and Cub, when I read the back of this book, I knew I had to give it a try. Essentially, it's the Defiant Ones, set in feudal Japan. A somewhat graceful look at race, freedom, and morality, through the eyes of an African American man trapped in Japan.

I'm not sure if this is the sole volume, as it feels fairly open ended at the end. In any event, it's beautiful story telling and very compelling action from one of the fathers of manga. Highly recommended.

View all my reviews.

Oh the Places You Will Go...

It's been one of those 'spin around and see where you land' kind of weeks... hell, months. I had what can only be called a golden opportunity pop up the past few weeks that is going to massively alter my career path (at least for the time being.) I can't quite talk about it yet, but as soon as I can I will. So, I've been racing through as much of my already lined up work as possible trying to wrap it all up before starting on this new gig. It's been... harrowing, I suppose is the word. But, totally worth it. The thing about this job, and what I've come to realize about life/careers/writing in general, is that I got this job for because of more than just my writing. It was a confluence of events... I had my agent cheerleading for me, an amazing meeting with the folks from the company, and then... the suprising part. It turns out the years of non-writing that I did. Working in TV production, running Hoarse and Buggy, hell, even running the movie theater I ran in college... all these little things that at the time were just jobs added together become a "wealth of experience" that got me, what in many ways seems to be a dream job.

So, to all of you out there slaving through a day job and hating every minute of it, and wishing you were writing for a living, don't forget that whether you realize it or not, that job will come in handy one day. Whether it's the characters you meet (and then use in your work), the practical skills you pick up, or even just the discipline of doing the same thing every day.

If you work in the entertainment industry, the government let's you write off a LOT of stuff come tax time. Just be marking your occupation as Entertainment Industry, suddenly, you can write off DVD's, CD's, TV's, Computers, Software, Video Games, Comic books... I suspect most people are just happy to get the write off, but, the truth of it is the experience of reading, listening, watching, and experiencing art is what allows you to grow as a creator. I just think it's important to realize that it doesn't stop there.

Practically speaking, I'll still be working in comics, and I have a slew of books already lined up for the next year or two, and in fact, should have more books on the stands than I did this year. I'll probably be a little less on the blog and the twitter, and won't be attending as many conventions, but, that aside, it'll be business as usual.

So, folks, here's to the future.


Hey gang, A quick reminder this week about the "Making Comics" event at the Will and Ariel Durant Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library this Saturday.

The Durant Branch is located a mere hop skip and a jump from Meltdown Comics and Golden Apple Comics in Hollywood, at 7140 W. Sunset Blvd.

The program is geared for 'teens on up' and will be a light and fun 'How to' for making comics, breaking into the industry, and things of that nature. It's going to be a Q & A, so having someone there to Q for my A would be greatly appreciated.

And, best of all, from 2 to 4 at Meltdown Comics, there's an event featuring Mark Evanier and his Kirby King of Comics book. So, go there, see him speak, sign, and entertain, and then you can literally walk to the Library for the panel.

The flyer with all the information is both attached, and available for viewing here:

See you this weekend!



Joshua Hale Fialkov

On Death Note and the State of American Comics

Just a little bit of time before running out for a day of meetings (and driving from one to the other.) Last night, Tony and I headed out to the Burbank AMC for the "Fathom Events" two nights only screening of the live action Death Note movie. I don't want to give too much of a review, but, essentially, it leads me to the topic I've been itching to discuss.

Death Note, as a manga, is probably one of the best works of modern fiction we've seen thus far this century. It's certainly the best piece of graphic fiction. For thirteen 200+ page volumes, the story of two guys trying to out think each other is one of the most riveting, emotional, and action packed books on the shelf. That being said... it really only works in two formats. Manga and Anime. This story works because of it's sprawl. By taking the time to show every move and counter move, every nuanced thought and line of inquiry, we get to know these characters better than you ever could hope to. Plus, in this world of heightened realism, mixed with ten foot tall demons walking amongst them just doesn't play on the screen with live action.

The live action movie is part 1 of what is essentially a trilogy, and despite being two and a half hours long, still fails to capture 1/10th of the power and drama of the manga. The fact that Viz decided to do these screenings with a dubbed version, that managed to also leave off subs for the copious amount of text throughout the movie certainly didn't help. But, technical complaints aside, the fact is that the movie fails where the books succeed. Again, despite all of the hooplah involving copycat murders and teenagers in trouble, this is a book about two extremely smart men playing a game of morality tinged Chess.

It's very much a product of it's medium. This style of long form story telling doesn't exist in many other mediums. While certainly the television serial gives you the length to tell the story, it doesn't allow for the pacing nor the subtlety of the graphic form. While American comics, especially, say, a Vertigo series allows for this sort of high end detailed story-telling, I think that the general idea of the book is so far outside of the world experience of most American comics industry 'execs' that it wouldn't get made. Death Note is a creation wholly unto itself. Without the 'farm system' of the weekly anthologies of Japan, daring and different work would not exist. I think you see that in our own comics. Of course there's always the independent publishers, but, face the facts, the idea of cranking out a 2600 page story from an Independent publisher in this day and age is a rarity at best. Plus, as mentioned, this isn't a movie. Certainly, there IS a movie, but, the movie exists because of the vast popularity of the comic and anime, which is counter to how American independent comics function. Indies need to have that movie hook in order to make the whole thing financially viable. Japan, on the other hand, has the distribution and audience that the comic itself is it's own commodity.

I say all of this, and, for sake of time, want to keep away from the sheer number of teenagers who were there, in costume, talking about the differences between the books, the anime, and the movie (while it was playing, which is a whole other story about me hating to go out in public.)

So, look, all this really just comes down to me being both inspired and somewhat disappointed by our medium. While it's obvious that we truly can accomplish amazing things with just some pictures on a page, it seems like us Westerners may have finally been left completely and utterly behind. There needs to be radical change in our industry in order to save us from obscurity. Until we embrace not just the style (I'm looking at you, Marvel Mangaverse), but the ethos of these far more successful (and in many ways far superior) comics, I fear that there might not be much of an American comics industry left in a few years.

Here's to trying to change that.

Death Note will be playing again across the country tonight. More info here.

The Fialkov at the LAPL Hollywood Branch

Hey gang,Coming up in just a few weeks on June 7th, I'll be presenting a program at the Will and Ariel Durant Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. That's the one that's only a few blocks away from beloved Hollywood Comic Store Meltdown Comics ( The topic will be writing comics, but, will probably cover everything from making mini-comics to breaking in to the big companies. I'm hopefully going to have a few guests there, and have some cool stuff planned out, so, I hope some of you can attend.

And please, as always, feel free to repost this and let your friends know. Here's the full info:

Event Name: Comic Book Writing Category: Just for Teens Type: Author Program Date: 06/07/08 Time: 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM Day: Saturday Branch: Will & Ariel Durant 7140 W Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 876-2741 Description: Joshua Hale Fialkov, award winning author of "Elk's Run" and "Princess Resurrection" shows how comic books are written and produced.

See you there!

j. --

Please Pre-order the Josh Medors Benefit Book

I was asked by the kind folks at Boom Studios to take part in a benefit book for pal Josh Medors. It's got a GREAT line up, and I'm really proud to be a part of it. It's a tribute to Josh that we've gotten such a great lineup so quickly. Anyways info below, and if you follow the link, you can pre-order copies of the book.

PULP TALES - Benefit Book - ALL PROCEEDS will go to help Josh Medors & Family | BOOM! Studios


Contributions by Steve Niles, Josh Fialkov, Kody Chamberlain, Tony Fleecs, Dan Taylor and more! Cover by Ben Templesmith and Josh Medors 24pgs, FC SRP: $3.99

Help BOOM! Studios support comic book artist Josh Medors, recently diagnosed with cancer, by ordering the benefit comic book PULP TALES. This two-fisted one-shot features all-new, action-packed stories by horror master Steve Niles, P.U.N.K.S' Josh Fialkov and Kody Chamberlain, '76's B. Clay Moore & Seth Peck, Capote in Kansas' Chris Samnee, In My Lifetime's Tony Fleecs, and more! Featuring a cover by Ben Templesmith!

ALL PROCEEDS will go to Josh Medors and his family.



Analyzing Postcards

Long(ish) form dissection of each story from Postcards, including my story, seen here: ARTIFACT AND ARTIFICE: CULTURAL STUDIES OF THE TEXTUAL CITY: Postcards: True Stories that Never Happened

This story also invokes the idea of the city, since it is set in Paris and location is a focal point in the story – Marj wants to go home, Frank admires the skyline and calls it “paradise”, and the large last panel is Marj left alone, dwarfed under the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Once again, here the city is an imposing, important ‘character’ in the story, where people can lose themselves or take on new identities.

Fialkov at Free Comic Book Day

Hey gang,Just got in my schedule for FCBD this Saturday, May 3rd.  For those who don't know, you can go to your local comic book shop and get a whole bunch of free comics to sample what all makes our medium so great.

I'm going to be with the Top Cow Crew at the following places:

AMAZING COMICS & CARDS 5555 Stearns Street, Suite 103 Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 493-4427 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. PST Eric Basaldua (artist, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Rick Basaldua (inker, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Joshua Hale Fialkov (writer, Pilot Season: Cyblade, Elk’s Run)

GOLDEN APPLE COMICS (HOLLYWOOD) 7018 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038 (323) 658-6047 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. PST Eric Basaldua (artist, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Rick Basaldua (inker, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Joshua Hale Fialkov (writer, Pilot Season: Cyblade, Elk’s Run)

Love to meet/greet you if you're in the area.

See you at the shops!

Friday the 13th One Shot in Stores This Week

FRIDAY THE 13TH: ABUSER AND THE ABUSED Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov; Art by Andy B.; Cover by Brandon Badeau

A special one-shot! Maggie's life was never easy, but her abusive new boyfriend has pushed her over the edge. As her life spirals out of control, she hits upon the solution to her problems: use the local urban legend to "solve" the problems in her life. But what happens when she learns there's very little "legend" in the reality of Jason Voorhees?

Wildstorm  |  32pg.  |  Color  |  $3.50 US  |  Mature Readers

You can check out a preview of the book here: (PDF Downloads)

I'm immensely proud of this book, so, even if you're not one of those big ol' horror nuts, please check it out.  It's probably my favorite script from last year.

Vengeance of Vampirella In Stores Now!

This week sees the release of the Vengeance of Vampirella TPB collecting my first four chapters of Vampirella, plus a bonus 'prequel' story by Phil Hester. It's got a ton of back up material, including a script each from both Phil and I. If you forgot to preorder, you can give the following info to your retailer who can grab you a copy through Diamond.


New York Comic Con 2008 Wrap Up

Hey gang,Not to be melodramatic, but, I think NYCC might've been a big changing point in my career. Maybe it was being back in the East Coast, and having the realization that I've come a long way since leaving Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh behind seven years ago, or maybe it was just the infectiously good time Christina and I had, but, I feel like I'm turning to the next chapter of my career, my life, and my future.

The big difference between New York Comic Con and San Diego Comic Con is size. The more important difference is that San Diego is populated by people who understand that you walk to the right, whereas New York seemed to be populated by people who think they can breakdance in the aisle if they want to and you go fuck yourself if you're not cool with that. There was much pushing and shoving.

Despite that, the show was a lot of fun, and my nights of hanging out with old friends from back home and wandering around NYC brought back a lot of fond memories that I'm glad I can now insert my wonderful wife into.

And then my visit to Edwin Booth's Players Club, with a guided tour of everything from the bathrooms to Booth's bedroom was... amazing, to say the least.

Me being me, I took like eight pictures. Christina took another eight, and here's the best few.

Heading Out

Bright and (way too) early tomorrow morning, Christina and I are heading out for New York City, the New York Comic Con, and a weekend filled with seeing old friends, running from meeting to meeting, and generally wearing myself out. Thanks to the joys of Twitter, it's felt a little less isolated getting ready, as everybody heading to the show seemed to simultaneously hit 'Oh Fuck' Mode at the same time, and everybody's there cheering everyone else on. Or making mean jokes.

Mostly mean jokes.

So, till next week, very little posting, very little twittering. Please stop by Top Cow, Harris, or the Comics Experience panel to say Hi.

See you on the other side.


New York Comic Con

Hey gang,I'm heading out in a few days for NYC for my first New York Comic Con.  I'm going to be signing at a few places, and on a couple of panels, so, please, come say Hi.

Friday April 18th 3:00 - 4:00pm -- Harris Comics -- Signing Vampirella 4:00 - 5:00pm -- Comics Experience Panel -- How To Write a Pitch -- Room 1E03 6:00 - 7:00pm -- Top Cow -- Pilot Season Signing

Saturday April 19th 10:00 - 11.15am -- Top Cow -- Pilot Season Signing 3:00 - 4:00pm -- Top Cow -- Panel -- Room 1E15 5:00 - 6:00pm -- Harris Comics -- Signing Vampirella

Sunday April 20th 11:00 - 12:00pm -- Top Cow -- Pilot Season Signing

See you guys at the show!


I do a lot of these...

The "Where I've Been" posts, that is.  I've been incredibly swamped the past week or two with getting ready for New York Comic Con, and the coming months of cons and deadlines. in the next few weeks, I've got a couple of books coming out, and, hopefully, a few more announcements of things to come.  I've gotten a bunch of Manga jobs, adapting and creating OEL's, so I've been spending my time catching up on some of the more popular manga on the shelf.

I drifted away from it a few years ago for a few reasons, primarily lack of cash, but, I felt like so much of the manga that made it here was sort of the cliche-laden version of manga, rather than the stuff I fell in love with as a child.  For every Iron Wok Jan, there was three dozen faceless stories about boys with magical powers.

So, with that in mind I entered into reading Death Note with great hesitation.  Plus, it's so insanely popular that it more or less has to suck, one would imagine.

But it doesn't.  It's superb.  It's some of the most sophisticated long term storytelling I've seen in comics of any kind in years.  The way that the concept of the book manages to be turned on it's ear again and again, each time turning the book into something brand new.

It's completely worth checking out.

I'm also pouring through Uzumaki (also amazing... some of the best straight horror I've ever read in comics form, in fact.)

As to what I'm working on... Mark and I turned in the third Cleaners script to Dark Horse this week, I'm on the 2nd draft of my last Vampirella, which should be a doozey, and I'm just getting started on Cyblade #2.  I've got one of those aforementioned manga projects cooking that's alarmingly cool (and has been LOTS of fun, thus far), and a few other unannounced iron-made trinkets

So, yeah, keeping busy.

I'll post my NYCC schedule in a few days.  East Coast here I come.

Untitled Project Playlist

For that new creator owned book I mentioned, I put together the following play list.  The book's got a weird inner city 70's vibe to it, despite being modern, but, it's not in the Parliament/Chi-Lites mold, so much... there's a sense of history and decay to it that most 70's stuff doesn't quite capture.  So instead, I built it mostly from blues and jazz from the mid 50's to the mid 70's, the kind of music that you might hear on a small power AM station back in my hometown. The key song, from where I built the entire playlist, and mood of the book, is one that I've been moderately obsessed with every since the first time I heard it used, which was on a production of a couple of Richard Wright One Act Plays that I was the Assistant Director of as a teenager.  The song was David "Fathead" Newman's version of Ray Charles' Hard Times.  It's a song, that as performed by Ray is a sad, solitary little song about the shit life can throw at you.  The Fathead version (from the album "Fathead Ray Charles Presents David Newman") is the opposite.  It's about triumphing over adversity and telling it to go fuck itself.  For a simple little blues song, it really drives it home.   You can actually listen to it on Newman's Myspace Page.

Here's twenty of the tracks, after the jump.


Big Black Cadillac Blues    6:59    Lightnin' Hopkins    The Best of Lightnin' Hopkins

Fathead (Remastered LP Version)    5:21    David Newman    Fathead Ray Charles Presents David Newman

That's Enough    2:46    Ray Charles    The Best of Ray Charles: The Atlantic Years

Blue Monk    5:19    Thelonious Monk    The Columbia Years (1962-1968) Disc 2

Six And Four    7:18    Oliver Nelson    Straight Ahead

Brand New Car    5:32    Lightnin' Hopkins    The Best of Lightnin' Hopkins

Now She's Gone    2:19    Ray Charles    Blues Is My Middle Name

Walkin' Blues    2:58    Muddy Waters    The Anthology: 1947-1972

Epistrophy    4:30    Thelonious Monk Quartet With John Coltrane    At Carnegie Hall

Mean Red Spider    2:20    Muddy Waters    Muddy's Blues

It's Alright    2:18    Ray Charles    The Best of Ray Charles: The Atlantic Years

Goodbye Pork Pie Hat    5:45    Charles Mingus    Ken Burns Jazz Series: Charles Mingus

Red Sails In The Sunset    3:07    Jimmy McGriff    Groove Grease

(I'm Your) Hoochie Coochie Man    6:00    Jimmy Smith    Got My Mojo Workin' Time After Time    7:24    Oliver Nelson    Nocturne

Epistrophy    2:24    Thelonious Monk Quartet & John Coltrane    Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall

She's Nineteen Years Old    3:20    Muddy Waters    The Anthology: 1947-1972

Misterioso    3:22    Thelonious Monk    Ken Burns Jazz Series: Thelonious Monk

A Little Max (Alternate Take)    2:56    Duke Ellington With Charles Mingus & Max Roach    Money Jungle

Baby Please Don't Go    3:48    Muddy Waters    Muddy Waters Blues Band

Tony Lee interviews me and a bunch of other folk...

about how to make it in the comic business.


JHF: It's important. I think having a good relationship where your editor (or the publisher) trusts you to actually execute on that pitch is probably more important. Having a great idea is easy, executing a great idea is the hard part.


JHF: If it's for a creator owned property, I tend to do a one sheet with the basic concept, the format, and any imperative information, along with some art. Then I'll try and put together a few pages of art (ten is probably best), and include a three or four page synopsis of the whole story.

And so on.