Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Filtering by Category: Comics

I Talk About Digital Comics and Such...

Over at Broken Frontier's new Digital Magazine (also available on iPad) called The Frontiersman. They do a great job with the format of the magazine, and, seem to have a good head on their shoulders about the point of the mag. It's free, has advertising inside, and it drives traffic to their website (which also has ads.) They want people reading the mag, because they want people coming to their site. It's an attainable goal, especially with the great design and delivery method. Anyways, go see, it's right on the front page.

Free Comic Book Day 2010!

Hey folks,Tomorrow is that most beloved of nerd holidays known as Free Comic Book Day. That means I'll be out and about signing books. I'm just hitting one shop tomorrow, as opposed to last year's round robin. This year you'll find me at the much beloved Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, CA.

I'll be there with my Tumor/Alibi/Cyblade editor (and writer extraordinaire) Rob Levin, and Rahsan (Cleaners, Crazies, Creepy, Echoes) Ekedal. We should arrive around 11am and stick around till at least 3pm.

More info on their shop here:

And, if you're not in the area, but still want the free comics, go to to find your nearest shop.

Hopefully, I should have word on the release of Tumor in the next few days, so keep your eyes on your inbox, or follow me on twitter at for more info.

See you on the flip side.


Comics Advocacy

Not a lot of people read anymore. Even fewer people read comics. Independent comics? Even less. Estimates had the complete comic market (meaning people who go to a local comic shop) somewhere around 350k a few years ago. Then, if you look at the percentages of market via Diamond, you realize that just about every publisher not named Marvel or DC combined barely equals one of those two companies sales. In other words, not a lot of people.

That puts you in a peculiar position as a comics fan, and as an independent comics fan specifically. You more or less have to shout from rooftops about every book you love. And that's fucking exhausting.

When I first started in comics, I came to it from this idea of being an advocate. I would scream and shout and harangue people to read the really cool drastically under ordered books that I was a fan of. Hell, I even did it as a weekly columnist for Broken Frontier.

Then, I transitioned to being a publisher and creator. Say what you will about my business, the one thing we did right was get the word out. But, it didn't translate into sales. Probably my favorite stat is that while Elk's Run was busy getting an A review from Entertainment Weekly it was barely selling 900 copies per issue.

I'm not what you'd call a positive person. I'm ultra-critical, to a fault, and, as anyone who's ever spent more than a few minutes with me knows you say the magic words and I turn into a pit bull of rage and anger. But, when it comes to comics advocacy in a public setting, I just can't do that. Instead of dwelling on whatever multi-part crossover is irritatingly selling thousands of times more than any of my books do, I instead scream the praises of Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth, Moon and Ba's Daytrippers, Mark Waid's Brave and the Bold, Darwyn Cooke's Parker novels, etc.

So, look, the point of this ramble is that it breaks my heart to see reviewers and readers harp on books they don't like, reviewing each individual part of a 200 issue crossover rather than saying, "Fuck it, let's read something new."

With TUMOR on it's way to stores in the next few weeks, this idea of comics advocacy is high in my mind. I've had dozens of people come back after reading the digital version or the advance copies from C2E2 tell me how much they love the book, and, I tell each of them the same thing. If you love it, go online. Twitter it, Facebook it. Go to Goodreads and write a review. Amazon reviews. Write it up on your blog.

You have to assume that if you like this book you're the only person in the world with the ability to get your friends and family to read it, because frankly, you are.

So, rather than griping about which Marvel characters are getting their minds wiped or which DC character is rising from the dead, tell people about your favorite independent comic.

Especially if it's Tumor.

LA Times Festival of Books!

Hey folks,Just a quick word. I'll be signing on Saturday at the Archaia booth at the LA Times Festival of Books at UCLA. This is a free book festival that is an amazing way to spend an afternoon. If you live in L.A. and have never gone, you're missing out.

I'll have copies of Tumor on hand (including a few of the hand numbered ones, I believe), and, depending on the parking situation, I may even bring some of my other stuff.

I'll be signing from 11am (I would guess I'd be there for about two hours total) at the Archaia Booth (#756) which I believe is in the Hero Complex Pavilion.

And, as previously mentioned, today is the last day for the Harvey Nominations. You can find out what I'm eligible for and how to nominate Tumor at this link:

See you this weekend!


Harvey Awards Nominations

Hey folks,The nominating process for the Harvey Awards wraps up tomorrow, and I wanted to make my plea for you to consider nominating my work this year. The Harvey Award nominations are done entirely by the comics industry, rather than the fans, so, if you work in comics at all you are eligible to nominate.

You can download the form here:

Should you deem us worthy, we're eligible in the following categories:


The whole process only takes a few minutes, and it would be greatly appreciated by all of us here at TumorHQ.

Thanks for taking the time.



Hey folks,I'm wrapping up my work and getting ready to head out to Chicago for C2E2 in the morning. For those who don't know, this is the show by the guys who do NYCC, which is an amazingly good time every year, so I have very high hopes. More info on the show here:

I'm especially excited as, after much delay, there will be copies of the TUMOR Hardcover available for purchase all weekend! There's a limited supply of these advance copies, and I aim to sell all of them! My schedule's below, and I hope to see you all there.

FRIDAY APRIL 16th - 4:30pm Archaia Comics - Booth 545 5:30pm Top Cow Productions - Booth 551

SATURDAY APRIL 17th - 10:30am Top Cow Productions - Booth 551 11:30am Archaia Comics - Booth 545 1:45 Archaia Comics Panel - Room E351 Following the panel, I'll be hanging around the Archaia booth signing books in an unofficial capacity.

SUNDAY APRIL 18th - 10:30am Top Cow Productions -Booth 551 1:00pm Archaia Comics - Booth 545

Of course, if you're looking for me to sign anything or just to say hi, you can track my whereabouts via twitter (

Here's to the start of another amazing con season!


Catching Up

Sigh. I apologize for disappearing into Twitter.  It's tough, because it's so much easier to jot down thoughts than it is to write something substantial.  So, here's quick recap of what's what in the land of Fialkov.

Tumor - huge production and printing problems have knee-capped the book.  We're hoping to see it released sometime next month, which, considering Noel, Rob, and I turned in a final version sometime in October is a bit horrifying.  I wish there was something I could do to get it out, but, alas, it's been out of my hands for quite a while, and there's not much I can do about it.  In the meantime, I hope you're following Noel's new blog at

Fialkov/Ekedal Book - Rahsan and I have a new book that's compeltely written and about 2/5ths drawn. It'll be released/announced by Top Cow, hopefully later this year. It's a serial killer book, and in a lot of ways, I feel like it's a spiritual sequel to Tumor, although, technically, it's set in the same world as Elk's Run. This is not noticeable by anybody but me. Yet. Follow Rahsan's amazing work at both his portfolio site and his blog. Rahsan, you'll remember, drew The Cleaners from Dark Horse which had my name on it despite my not working on it that much at all. He also drew The Crazies issue that I wrote that came out last month.

Fialkov/Fleecs Book - Coming 2010/2011 from Oni Press. This is a Sci-Fi Comedy that's sort of a cross between what the amazing Mr. Fleecs does and what Kody and I do on Punks. It'll hopefully wind up being one of those manga style long form series that everybody goes all ga-ga for. It's been a blast collaborating with Tony on it, and I think that really comes through in the script and art.

Fialkov/Tuazon Book - It looks like Noel and I may try to raise some money to do our third book via Kickstarter. I have a couple of projects in mind, including the long gestating Three Rivers, a non-zombie zombie book, or possibly a Y.A. horror/adventure book I've been working on. More to come.

Upcoming Appearances: This weekend I'll be at Wondercon, signing at Top Cow from 12-2 on Saturday and the early afternoon on Sunday. I'll also be spending time at Rahsan's table in Artist Alley. I'll also be at the kickass Isotope Party Saturday night.

Following that, it looks like I'll be at C2E2 in Chicago, theoretically with advance copies of Tumor on hand. Will confirm once we're a little closer. Then, of course, you'll be able to find me at San Diego Comic Con, and, in October, at Long Beach Comic Con.

Life Changing Stuff: For those who don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook, Christina and I are having a baby girl. She's due in June, and we couldn't be more excited. There'll be more on her pretty soon.

And that's that. I'm hoping to start posting and talking at length about what I'm working on and what's going on in my life a bit more, and I apologize for the absenteeism.

Tumor Chapter 7 & 8 Available for Purchase Now!

Hey folks,The final two chapters are both now available for purchase on your Amazon Kindle.  You can download all of em at this link:

Also, as mentioned previously, you can pre-order the Hard Cover collection of Tumor right now in a couple of different places.  On Amazon here: or, from your local comic shop by printing the order form at

The hardcover is clocking in at approximately 225 pages and will contain all eight chapters, an introductory essay by crime maestro (and up and coming Marvel superstar) Duane Swierczynski, a brand new short story about when Frank first met Detective Polish, an extended essay on Frank Armstrong's Los Angeles, a sketch gallery, a reference photos to final art gallery, and a long form interview with me about the book.  Plus maybe a few more odds and ends.  Best of all?  It's only $15!

Now comes the part where I ask for your help.  Here's how comics work.  If you don't specifically go out of your way to tell your local comic shop owner or even your bookstore owner or manager about the book and that you want to read it, I almost guarantee you it will not get ordered.  Independent Books, generally speaking, are too many and too hard to guage for most independent businesses to take a risk, unless they know that it's worth it.  So please.  Tell your shop owners, talk to your friends, tweet, status update, hell, even jump on Myspace and tell everyone and anyone who may enjoy this book all about it, and, that they can even try it for free online at

Thank you as always, this has been a remarkable experiment, and, sales of the Hard Cover pending, a very successful one.


j. www.thefialkov.comTumor

Comics Activism Now!

Hey folks, I suppose that headline should be 'self-serving Comics Activism now.'

Here's the thing. For YEARS, I've had people tell me how much they hate the lack of diversity in comics. Of course, I correct them, and tell them that there's no medium on earth with as wide a range of amazing works in a plethora of genres (I mean, there's a whole subdivision of manga devoted to cooking adventure stories.)

The thing is that these books just aren't ordered enough. The lions share of books ordered in the direct market are from the top two publishers, and you can't fault retailers for that. It's a tough economy, and they need to know that every single book they order has the best chance possible to sell.

But, with comics you actually have the ability to make a difference. If you let your retailer know about the books that aren't from the big boys, but are interesting to you, then there's a good chance that they'll actually take a chance, because if you like something then, the idea goes, your friends who shop with you may like it too. If you take the time to just Tweet to your friends about a book you enjoyed that's available, they can place their order, and if they enjoy it, they tell their friends. We're a word of mouth industry, and I think a lot of us forget that sometimes.

When I do a book like Tumor, I'm doing it for free. I spent a good chunk of a year working on it because I believe in it, and it's my art. Fortunately, I've been able to make my art my full time job for a long time now. But, the challenges of the market remain, and without the orders it becomes very difficult for me to convince publishers to take another chance on my weird, arty genre comics.

So please, I know that if you're a member of this list it's because you've enjoyed something that I've written. Or you're a glutton for punishment. Either or. So, if you've enjoyed anything I've ever written, I'm pretty sure you'll like Tumor as I've been told it's the best book I've ever done.

Still not sure? You can read ALL of the book for free over at

But I bet you HATE those Flash comic viewers, don't you? Well, howsabout this. You can read the first half of the book for free in downloadable PDF format here.

If you like it, please, twitter it, facebook it, e-mail it, show it to your friends, print out copies to give to your retailer.

Not sure how to pre-order your comics? Well, you take the form right here:

Print it out, and take it to your local retailer (which you can find here: and ask them to pre-order the book. That's it.

No comic shops nearby? The book is also available from here

Alright, let's say you've read the book and don't know why you should pay 15 bucks for a beautifully designed hard cover version. Well, there's the beautiful introduction by crime fiction writer extraordinaire Duane Swierczynski, an original and exclusive short story about Frank and Polish's first meetings, a long form essay on Los Angeles and it's relationship to the book, an exclusive gallery of concept art, and much, much more. It's 225 pages, approximately, for only fifteen bucks! Talk about your value!

So, thanks for reading, and please, if you like the book, don't make it a secret. Scream from the rooftops, and let people know that you want something different from everything else on the shelf.

Thanks everybody,


Saturday Fantasy and Tumor Chapter Six

Hey folks,This weekend, I'll be appearing at the Saturday Fantasy Film Festival ( as a part of a panel on the role of fiction as a guide to the future. Also on the panel are the amazing Joshua Dysart (of Unknown Soldier and BPRD fame), Mark Zicree (tv writer and author of the superb Twilight Zone Companion), author Sheila Finch, educator Dr. Joan Wines, and JPL Scientist Dan Goods.

All information about the festival (it's all day long, lots of new sci-fi flicks, and it sounds like a bunch of fun for only ten bucks!) can be found here:

Following the panel, probably around 2:00, Mr. Dysart and myself will be signing our comic books at the nearby Stores Bookstore. You can find more info on the store here:

Finally, once again ahead of schedule, you can check out Chapter 6 of Tumor over at Amazon here:

You can also check out the complete fifth issue over at

Thanks again, looking forward to seeing you this weekend, and as always, thank you for making it this far.


Long Beach Comic Con is Upon Us

Hey folks,I'll be heading out to the inaugural Long Beach Comic Con ( this weekend, and I've got a few signings, and a couple of panels. Nothing debuting at the show, but, I'll probably have Punks and assorted other books on hand, so come track me down if you need anything.

Schedule as follows:

Friday - 6:00 - 7:00 pm - Signing - Top Cow Saturday - 2:00 - 3:00 pm - Signing - Top COw Sunday - 12:00 - 12:45 pm - Panel - Story and Character Sunday - 1:00 - 1:45 pm - Panel - Digital Comics Room B

I'll most likely be in the general vicinity of the good folk at Archaia for the bulk of the show, so, feel free to stop by. I'm the stocky guy with the awesome shirts.

And seeing as I'm not really pimping anything, allow me to point you in the direction of my good buddy Tony Fleecs who's selling some kickass prints made special for the show. Find out more here:

See y'all at the show!


Hey gang,We're making up for lost time, and have Chapter 4 up and live a scant two weeks after Chapter 3.  It's available for purchase on your Kindle for the bargain price of a measly sawbuck.

It's available here:

Plus, if you for some reason are subscribed to this address, yet haven't checked out Tumor either on your Kindle/iPhone or at the website, perhaps our friends over at AICN can convince you otherwise:

AICN @ssholes Comic Reviews

This hard edged detective story reminiscent of D.O.A. and MEMENTO is getting better from one chapter to the next. Joshua Hale Fialkov writes a tragic tale of a man who is slowly losing his mind. Diagnosed with an inoperable tumor pressing against his brain, Frank Armstrong’s mind is fragmenting. One second he’s in the present working on a case and the next he’s in the past holding a woman he knows he lost long ago. To make matters worse, there’s a dame (of course there’s a dame) that looks a lot like Frank’s old flame in the middle of this case. Frank is completely confused and losing control of his mind and body, but determined to solve this last case before the tumor in his head overcomes him. In this fourth chapter, we find out that Frank also feels no pain. When he realizes he’s broken his leg (he did so in the last chapter in a daring escape from his hospital room), he looks at it with sort of a fascination, in an “oh what’s this” sort of way rather than shock. Fialkov is churning out one great mystery yarn, but also an amazing character study. You really feel sympathetic to Frank as he is stumbling along trying to keep things together in his head. Fialkov paces this story perfectly, flipping reality on its ear just when you’re getting invested in the story at play and the scratchy images by Noel Tuazon become more engaging as the chapters whiz by. His depictions of Frank’s worried brow speak volumes. This is a heartbreaking tale that can’t end well, but I’m still rootin’ for Frank to solve the case. TUMOR is available on Amazon Kindle for download.

So there ya go.  Get gettin'.


Tumor Chapter Three for Kindle and iPhone is Live!

Hey folks,After much delay, you can now check out Chapter Three of Tumor for Kindle and the Kindle App on iPhone/iPod Touch for just a buck right here:

As always, we'll put it up for free in a few weeks.

Talking of free, another of my short stories that was previously only on Kindle is available over on You can check it out in a variety of formats for free right here:

Thanks for reading, and keep on checking for more behind the scenes special features!

More Things I Love: Chad Crawford Kinkle's Harpe

No buy it now link for this one, as it's just now available for pre-order in the direct comic market. Harpe: America's First Serial Killers is quite possibly one of the most mature, sophisticated, and down-right beautiful debuts of a graphic novelist I've ever been privy to. First, about Chad. I met Chad at Comic-Con a few years ago when some of my buddies brought him around to talk about his proposal for a graphic novel. When I heard the concept I fell in love. When I got to spend time talking with Chad about the project, breaking into comics, and what to do next, I knew that I'd just met an exciting new talent who was going to rock the shit out of this industry.

The book, in case the title didn't clue you in, is about a couple of brothers in the early 19th century who went on a killing spree through the South. They're like Bonnie and Clyde is just barely post-revolutionary war times. It's a delicate mix of history and horror with the feel of good Western Noir, that's engaging and beautifully executed by Chad and artist Adam Shaw.

The thing about Chad, much like the aforementioned Joshua Dysart, is that he does something I just can't do. He takes history and makes it flesh. The book is thoroughly researched, pain-stakingly replicating the events, locales, and characters of this most definitely untold story in a way that defies it's period setting and gory subject matter. He creates a portrait of some sick individuals that you still manage to have feelings for. Considering the atrocities these guys committed, that's an amazing feat. They're not just monsters, they're human, and very, very real.

Do yourself a favor and head to your local retailer, and have them order this book. Tell them it's available using Diamond Order Number SEP090728. You'll be glad you did.

More info, including a five page preview available here:

Unknown Soldier Vol. 1

I'm fortunate to call Josh Dysart a friend. I've known him for almost my entire career in comics, which is closing in on a decade now. He has a lot of tools in his toolbox as a writer that I'm incredibly envious of. He handles huge ideas in digestable ways, and creates world that are both painfully realistic, and bendable to his whims. If you don't believe check out his pitch perfect pulp work on Penny Farthing's Captain Gravity, him following in the footsteps of the greatest writer in comics and going toe to toe with him on Swamp Thing, or, crafting one of the most socially responsible comics about a crazy guy with a gun in the history of the medium, as he's done in Unknown Soldier.

The book is dark. Really dark. Achingly, painfully, nightmare inducing dark. And yet... it's not a nightmare to get through, as you'd expect. Instead, it's a delicate piece of true art that both forwards the medium of comics and manages to be a page turning semi-superhero style action piece. It crafts the perfect balance of information dump and character, that makes the world seem ultra-real, extremely foreign, yet simple and understandable.

There truly are few writers in Josh's league these days, and I'm thrilled to see someone so talented succeeding in such a grand sense. And in case it matters, he's also a sensationally sweet guy who can charm the pants off of you. Literally. I've seen it.

Do yourself a favor, and check out the book, and, I recommend seeing Josh's extensive notes, behind the scenes diary posts, and more over at

Tumor Chapter Two is LIVE!

Hey folks,It's been an amazing couple of weeks over here at Hoarse and Buggy Central. First, was the near instantaneous sell out of the Tumor Ashcan at San Diego Comic-Con. Thank you all so much for coming out and supporting the book!

Secondly, through a strange twist of fate, a tv show I worked on briefly last year was nominated for an Emmy Award, and, yours truly was one of the credited writers, meaning I can now introduce myself as Emmy Award Nominee Joshua Hale Fialkov. I expect each of you to do the same.

Third, Tumor - Chapter One was a huge hit on Amazon! It made it all the way up to #6 out of all graphic novels on Amazon. Not just digital, ALL graphic novels. I think we were even beating DC's super huge Final Crisis for a while.

Which brings me to the last quick news, which is that you can now purchase Chapter Two of Tumor on Amazon for a measly dollar. It's available right now for your Kindle, iPhone, or iPod Touch. Every purchase is showing Amazon that we're a market that matters and that they need to actively serve with their devices, so, please, if not for me, then for the future of comics, go check out the book. You can do so here:

Again, thank you all for your continued support, and for helping to spread the word!



Fialkov on Kindle and Comic-Con

Hey hey hey,Today marks the announcement of my new graphic novel with Elk's Run artist Noel Tuazon, and that it's going to available primarily on the Amazon Kindle (and Kindle App for iPhone and iPod Touch)! We're the first original graphic novel to appear on the device, and we could not be more thrilled. For more info on that you can visit or read the article about the deal at

Later this week, I'll be rolling into Comic-Con to promote Tumor, and I'd love for y'all to stop by. I'll be at the Archaia Comics booth for most of the weekend, and we'll be selling a $3 limited edition ashcan of the first chapter of Tumor. They're hand numbered, and quite handsome.

That's at booth 2635. My schedule is as follows:

Wed. July 22nd 7:00 - 8:00 pm Signing at the Top Cow Booth

Thurs. July 23rd 9:00 - 11:00 am Signing at Archaia Booth 12:00 - 1:00 pm Signing at the Top Cow Booth 2:00 - 3:00 pm Signing at the Archaia Booth

Fri. July 24th 9:00 - 11:00 am Signing at Archaia Booth 2:00 - 3:00 pm Signing at the Top Cow Booth 6:00 - 7:00 pm Signing at the Archaia Booth

Sat. July 25th 9:00 - 11:00 am Signing at Archaia Booth 11:00 - 12:00 pm Signing at the Top Cow Booth 5:30 - 6:30 pm Archaia Panel (TUMOR!) Room 5AB

Sun. July 26th 9:00 - 10:00 am Signing at Archaia Booth 1:00 - 3:00 pm Signing at the Archaia Booth

See you all at the show!

Outlaw Territory Hits Stores This Week!

Hey gang, This week sees the release of the massive Outlaw Territory western anthology from Image Comics. I was honored to be a part of this big ol' book put together by the mighty Michael Woods. You can find out more about the book at the blog located here: I'm in some pretty damn respectable company, and I'm immensely proud of how my story (with amazing art by Christie Tseng) turned out.

In other news, Noel and I will have a huge announcement about our next book come Comic-Con next month, as well as hopefully some news about Elk's Run's next iteration. As always, feel free to follow me at my blog, on Facebook, or on Twitter for more up to date and less newsworthy bites. Addresses below.

See you soon,


Writing with Confidence

So, this has more to do with me saying my own thoughts out loud (in public) than being of any practical use to anybody other than me. I've been writing professionally for coming on 8 years. It's been my primary means of support for about four of those years. In all of that time, the thing that tends to bog me down, get in the way of trying new things, and generally stand in my way is mostly me. I've had some bad experiences. Everything from writing partners who treat me as a junior member to writing partners who barely bother to wake up, to those around me belittling what I know I'm here to do. But, I've also had unprecedented support. From my friends, my wife, my agent, my peers, and my fans. Hell, the devotion and support my wife shows me in every ridiculous endeavor I throw myself into would be more than enough for me, but, to have all of you great people standing there cheering me makes even the hardest day worth while. So, the good sort of cancels out the bad (no matter how much I like to bitch about the bad... c'mon, everybody loves a good story about a douchebag!)

But still, with all of that, the one thing I constantly have to fight, is my own confidence. Knowing that I do know what I'm doing, and that I can do what I do well. Last year was a tough year for me creatively, despite the huge amount of output I had. Some of the problems with the work was my fault, some was due to outside forces. But every single one should've been combated with the fact that about my work, and what I'm trying to do, I'm the expert. Nobody knows how to do what I do better than me.

I don't mean that in a broad, "I'm the greatest writer ever" sense. I mean that I'm the greatest writer who is me ever. Despite the poor sentence construction of that last sentence. What I do isn't for everybody, and, judging by the sales on some of my creator owned work in the past, it may in fact be for nobody. But, I can be remarkably proud of just about everything I've ever done.

I've rid myself of many of the toxic people and situations that polluted a lot of my work last year, and, for the past few weeks have been working only on my own work. Virtually no work for hire. Just my new graphic novel with Noel, my young adult fantasy novel, and a few pitches for projects that I desperately love. I've put on hold a few things that I'm excited about, but have less of a handle on to focus on the three or four things that make me deliriously happy at the thought of them happening.

With the graphic novel's new publisher doing some amazing prep work, some genuine passion from a few Hollywood folk on the novel, and everybody rooting for me on each of the projects I'm working on, I finally feel like I'm getting my shot to do what I was meant to do.

And, for a change, I'm considerably less worried about blowing it.

Free Comic Book Day!

Once again it's that time of year. Free Comic Book Day. Wherein your local comic book shop gets free comics to entice new readers. As per usual, I have a couple of signings around town, wherein you can pick up some Free comics as well as any of my older books you may have missed for a sweet, sweet discount. I'll be signing this Saturday at:

Metropolis Comics from 11am till 1pm, and it's located at: 16509 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706

The Comics Bug from 3pm till 5pm, and that's located at: 1807 1/2 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Both stores have been a lot of fun in the past, and I'm lookin' forward to enjoying the festivities once again.