Just to help tide me over while waiting for my bathtub of money to come in.
I do overnight transcriptions for this company. I get a call around six or seven in the evening, get a digital file, and then have x number of hours to complete it in. The less time, the more money I get paid. Tonight, I did an hour and a half worth of transcriptions, which equals are 7 hours of work. It was due... well... now, so I made some nice cash. What we transcribe is what makes it interesting. Essentially, I get to listen to one of the biggest producers in Hollywood, along with one of the biggest directors in Hollywood talk about making their movie.
I've gone to my share of industry meetings, between pitching my own stuff to working as a production coordinator for a production company, sitting on the 'other side' of the desk, so to speak. This stuff is pretty incredible, though. I get to listen to a guy who doesn't make movies for less than $100 million dollars crack jokes and make fun of the industry, plus listen to how insanely in depth they go into script revisions and creative decisions.
I've produced and directed before, but, it was always with the smallest budget humanly possible. To listen to these guys say "We're gonna need a 2nd Black Hawk Helicopter," or "How much would it cost to blow up an actual boat instead of just CGI-ing it?" is just mind-blowing.
Oh Hollywood...
Off to make sleep, I've been up too fucking long.