So, today, while doing a late night transcribing project, I got to listen to a bunch of people talk about a ballot initiative that Schwarzenegger was trying to get on the books. It’s interesting for a couple of reasons. First of all, the people who were talking were ‘regular joes’ in the affected unions, who had been picked to speak. There were three different sets on the tapes, the first who were clearly prepped with what to say, another who was knowledgable and obviously knew what he was talking about, and another group who were just plain outraged.
What stuck out the most was the first group. The interviewer kept trying to get them to explain WHY they felt that the measure was a bad thing, and they kept repeating, almost to the point of sounding like zombies, the same talking point over and over again. They sincerely seemed to not know what else to say. “It would be bad for us,” was about the most they could get out.
So, here I sit, an obnoxiously vocal liberal who, admittedly knows nothing about this ballot measure (California politics frighten me, considering who we elected to Governor), but, you listen to the knowledgable guy, and fuck yeah, this is something I’d get behind. Then you listen to the outraged guys and I’m more energized. If these regular joes are so upset it’s got to be something big! Then you get to the zombies. And you realize that all the rest were more or less spouting the same bullshit, they were just better improvisers.
Listen, I know that our governor is a sock puppet for the President and his administration, and I'm usually predisposed to trust a union over a government (although, I've seen some crappy behavior from unions in my day, too...). But, hearing essentially them drone the equivalent of the South Park "They took our jooooobs," makes me question the reliability of the information.
Sorry. 6 hours of listening to a shitty cassette tape of people repeat themselves has driven me at least slightly mad.