Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


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Now THAT’s a review.

Mark Fossem goes above and beyond with his review of the Elk's Run Bumper.

Expectations are a bitch. So often, you'll hear something praised to the skies, only to find it can't possibly inhabit those lofty heights. A band, a book, a comic: it's always an undiscovered gem that will change your life ... and it seldom does. Many times, it's the expectation itself that's to blame: Few works of art can support the crushing weight of "the best thing you're not reading/playing/watching". Buzz is all well and good, but can easily bite the hand that feeds it.

However, there are some books that do live up to the hype. Elk's Run is one of them. In fact, the breathless buzz that's circulated around this criminally underselling gem doesn't come close to describing it's greatness. The first three issues came and went with intense critical fanfare and slim sales. Even a highly-graded pimp from Entertainment Weekly couldn't get the book onto and off of comic shop shelves throughout the nation. Now the book has moved to a new publisher, Speakeasy, and has released the "story so far" in a trade edition with a Darwyn Cooke cover to try and get some sales mojo workin'. And if ever a book deserved some sales mojo, it's Elk's Run.

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If you have a review on your blog or site, post in the comments, and we'll link to it either here or on the messageboards.

In Celebration of…

Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Season One Picked up the box set today (after selling off a slew of CD's in order to have money to pay rent. I'm a huge anthology fan, obviously, and, secretly, Alfred Hitchcock Presents is far and away my favorite of them all. I love Twilight Zone. Really, genuinely love it. But, it relies a bit too heavily on the twists. AHP doesn't. It's about story and acting, the twists sometimes non-existent. The acting, directing, production value are all top notch.

The Box Set is beautiful, I'm amazed ast the clarity of the prints, considering their age and the medium they were shot for, they're positively crystal clear. There's some spotting here and there, and the occasional dust particles, but, really, it's just a gorgeous print, easily the same quality as most of the Special Editions of the Hitchcock Features. I wonder if Hitch made a point of print storage et cetera.

Anyways, it's dirt ass cheap, for a ton of episodes, so, go and pick it up. It'll rock your socks off.

The Trip At Its End, I stare at the Slot Machines and Think Quietly to Myself…

This marks the longest time I've been away from my house in a long time. I get really antsy when I'm away from my comforts, but, I'm glad I went. My folks are leaving Pittsburgh for greener pastures in Iowa (greener and filled with more corn, I'd presume), and this was sort of my 'last chance' at spending time in my childhood home. It's... well... it's nice. I spent most of college dreading the trips home because I just have so few friends in town, and lots of bad memories, and this was one of the first times the trip wasn't filled with dread. Seeing my folks is usually the only real positive of these trips, but, I actually had a good time, between SPX (which was an absolute ball knocker of a good time), and discovering old 'treasures' in my parents attic, I had a pretty great time.

Of course, I'm now more than a week behind on all of my writing. Oh well, that's what layovers in Las Vegas are for.

Chris Burnham - Artist Extraordinaire

Chris Burnham has put up his website. It's got one of the coolest designs I've seen in a LONG time.

It also has three pages of "The 8th" which, as of today, is temporarily on hold. Chris killed himself on the project, and we were literally on the verge of announcing it as good to go, when, the tragedy in New Orleans put the kibosh on it.

You see, "The 8th" was a supernatural police procedural set in New Orleans. The entire second arc of the series was about what would happen if this supernatural entity caused New Orleans to flood.

Well, you know how that goes.

So, aside from the awesomeness of Burnham's page, I'll let you guys take a look at the pages from the project that will never be (at least in this version.)

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