Poopsheet Reviews WToT
($3.50 each, Hoarse & Buggy Productions)
Reviewed by Matt Dembicki
I love good ol’ fashion horror comics. For me, the gold standard for horror anthologies remains the EC Comics line — Tales from the Crypt, Vault of Horror, Haunt of Fear. So when I get a horror anthology in my hands, I automatically compare it to those golden oldies. These days, rarely anything comes close — but once in a while something rears its ugly little head that gets my attention. Western Tales of Terror stays true to the EC form, capturing the feel, quality and fun of the previously mentioned titles, and also adds a new twist with a Wild West motif. (I especially get a kick out of the Cryptkeeper-like deceased gunslinger named Pete who wryly introduces each tale.) The folks at Hoarse & Buggy were able to rope some well-known talent (like Steve Niles) as well as folks who you just know will make a name for themselves soon enough. Most of the stories are short vignettes, but there is a longer story (by H&B editor-in-chief Joshua Hale Fialkov) that is split over the first three issues; that longer piece really pulls the series together. (There’s a prequel to Fialkov’s story available at the H&B Web site.) The covers for all three issues are masterfully rendered and draw you into the book. I especially liked Tony Moore’s Corben-like illustration for #1, which depicts an Indian zombie emerging from the shadows, preparing to snatch an unsuspecting two-bit whore. And once these stories get their hooks in you, pardner, there’s no escape!
- posted by Ricko at 9:30 AM